Rebel Is Spelled Correctly
There is a new Facebook page, titled �Liar Aging Rebel,� that provides an alternative to what you can read here.
This page�s coverage of the murder of Zachariah Tipton has aroused so much excitement among the leadership of the Iron Order Motorcycle Club that they have created a Facebook page, the only content of which is a series of crude accusations that this page lies. It is obviously, one of a series of dirty and effeminate tricks that the Iron Order as a club hopes to deploy, along with the threat of frivolous lawsuits, to intimidate this page into abandoning its coverage of Tipton�s murder
The page went up a week before Ray �Izod� Lubesky, the International President of the Iron Order wrote The Aging Rebel yesterday and said, �No one from this club is lambasting you or your website publically.� Which may say something about Lubesky�s credibility and his masculine virtue.
No News
There really is no news about Tipton�s murder. The Jacksonville Beach police have apparently concluded that the fight that led to Tipton�s death was between a good guy and a bad guy and the good guy shot the bad guy in the head. What this page had hoped to cover today was the cancellation of Big Ed Begley�s attempt to jump the Snake River Canyon. Maybe later.Instead, the Iron Order Motorcycle Club, like a pack of three-year-olds with a limitless supply of sugar and methamphetmine, insists that this page cover nothing except them. �Look at us! Look at Us! Watch us now! Pay attention to us! Me! Us! Me!�
Very well. There probably is some news to this story. The news is, it was probably just like this with Zach Tipton. Multiple Iron Order children probably harassed Tipton as the Iron Order harasses us all here. Except Tipton was standing right there. And when he finally punched one of them in the nose whichever Iron Order good guy it was had the excuse he wanted and Cgar wanted and Izod wanted to shoot Zach Tipton in the head.
So the Iron Order sets the agenda again today. This, unedited, is exactly what the Iron Order Motorcycle Club wants you to read. The words betray who they are as men.
Belt Drive Betty
Liar Aging Rebel shared a link via NetworkedBlogs.Read this thread, it shows the difference between a journalist who just try�s to get the truth and an agenda toting bike slut with visions of grandeur (ill show you what that means if you�d like Amy) Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs & OMG�s, attempting to get at the truth Belt Drive Betty�s Blog I wrote an article on my time with the Iron Order MC in Edmonton recently and a lot of the people who decided to�
And then there follows a link to Belt Drive Betty�s blog.
Liar Aging RebelThe Liar rebel just will not learn his lesson, this tool takes information from everyday people and posts it on his 3rd grade blog, you would have thought he learned his lesson when he had to admit the supposed letter from IOMC President Ray �Izod� Lubesky was �probably� a fraud�. Now Ancient Liar is posting a fraudulently altered report on street gangs listing IOMC as now a street gang�. I guess after belt drive Betty actually did some investigating into his (the liars) claims the IOMC was classified as an OMG and proved him To be the little wanna be 1% cum-dumpster liar that he is, he has decided to change modes and now claim the IOMC is a street gang!! Lol. To Liar, you are COMICAL, you have zero credibility!!!!
Liar Aging RebelThe biggest liar on the Internet is at it again!!!! He posts an article about some charity work being done by the IOMC and he talks about a �member� Robert Fernandes, and claims that the IOMC lies when they say they do not accept convicted felons (imagine this turd calling someone a liar??) because Mr. Fernandes is a convicted felon�. Only one problem with this, Mr Fernandes is not nor has he ever been a member of IOMC� I swear, this Aging Liar is akin to the propagandist from Iraq that while the city was falling he was on Iraqi television static the Iraqi armed forces was defeating the US at every turn!!! He claims to be a journalist, lol even in the loosest definition he is not a journalist!! He is a fool with a keyboard, nothing more
Liar Aging RebelIt would seem that the aging idiot is a it again. Today�s lie �the Iron Order who has a reputation for provoking fights and the Black Pistons who have a reputation for only fighting when provoked� Mr Davis (I�m done calling this liar, douchebag, hack �Rebel�). Who believes this? Certainly NOT the public at large, certainly NOT law enforcement, You show what FEAR of a certain group or groups will portray itself as in a (cough, cough) �journalist� you are no more a journalist that a 3 year old with crayons is Van Gough
Hack Liar
Liar Aging RebelIt is nice to see liar Angel cannot even create an original idea, the rebel is basically using the same lies and verbiage in the Florida shooting Ida BPMC patch holder as he did when a Seattle police officer and member of the Iron Pigs motorcycle club shot a HAMC member in a bar. Liar. Err Rebel has the man convicted, had multiple different variations of his story (by now you must know not a truthful story) the officer was ultimately cleared. Did Rebel go back nd look at the facts and write a truthful article of what actually happened by using real evidence? Of course not, why would he?
More Belt Drive Betty
Liar Aging RebelEveryone should read �belt drive Betty� she has A fair presentation on whether IOMC is or isn�t classified as an OMG by any of the alphabet soup agencies. Unlike the rebel this lady actually goes to a source, not merely interpret 1 sentence in a report
You can read more of �Liar Aging Rebel�s� responsible opposing viewpoint here.
Rebel Is Spelled Correctly
Reviewed by Unknown
July 25, 2014

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