Lane-splitting benefits both drivers and motorcyclists
Daniel Yi
Daniel Yi
OK, riding a motorcycle is not safe. I know that because I've tried to argue otherwise with pretty much every non-rider in my life - my mother, my dad, my wife, my boss. And like most non-riders, they think lane-splitting is crazy. Yes, I am that guy squeezing his motorcycle between cars, riding the stripes and occasionally giving you an unsolicited cure for the hiccups. California is the only state that does not outlaw the practice, though that could change.
The California Highway Patrol and the Department of Motor Vehicles used to issue guidelines on how to split lanes safely, but recently they have withdrawn them.
That's too bad. I do apologize to car drivers out there for the scare, but seriously, it is safer and better for all of us. I promise.
Why? It's a simple case of physics and mass. A motorcyclist can react better to what's in front than to a threat from behind. Whether I split lanes or not, I cannot eliminate driver error, but I can take precautions against what's in front of me.
When splitting lanes, I make sure that both lanes to the right and left of me are traveling at about the same low speed or stopped. When one lane is much faster, it is too tempting for a driver on the slower lane to make a quick move to the faster lane. In that case, I pull into the faster lane and ride along with the flow of traffic. Also, I am always scanning the drivers' heads looking for sudden movements. From the high vantage point of a motorcycle and traveling between cars, it is relatively easy to see inside the cars ahead. A quick jerky movement often signals lane change, and I can react by slowing down or stopping.
But even when lane-splitters take these precautions, drivers can be unpredictable. With terrifying frequency, I see drivers darting across double yellow lines, veering while putting on makeup or reading the newspaper (yes, that did happen on the 405) and treating turn signals as an optional accessory.
I'll be the first to admit that too many of my fellow motorcyclists take unnecessary risks. About a year ago I was splitting lanes on the Harbor Freeway when I noticed on my side mirror another rider gaining on me. I pulled to the side and he careened by me, engine revving. He had to have been going at least 60 mph through what was essentially a parking lot. About 2 miles down the road, I saw rider and motorcycle sprawled in the middle of the freeway. Luckily, he seemed to have survived, as drivers helped him stumble to the side of the road.
But that guy crashed not because he was splitting lanes. He crashed because he was careless and irresponsible.
There's another reason for lane-splitting that is hard to understand unless you're a rider yourself: It's hard to be stuck on a motorcycle in Los Angeles' warm weather. Here's how I describe the feeling: Light up a charcoal grill on a hot summer day. Straddle that grill wearing jeans. Put on a leather jacket while you're at it. Now you get an idea of what it is like to be stopped in traffic on a motorcycle in 80-degree weather with a searing engine between your legs.
If you are a car driver, you may be asking yourself, what do I care about making life more comfortable for motorcyclists? Here's what's in it for you, Mr. or Mrs. Car Driver: Splitting lanes during a traffic jam effectively increases the number of lanes on the road so that motorcycles can clear through and not increase the total of number of vehicles stuck on the road. I know your misery would love my company, but really, how does that help you get home faster?
The DMV and the CHP are withdrawing safety guidelines for lane-splitting because they don't want to encourage the practice - even though it is legal and even though many CHP officers agree it improves safety and eases traffic congestion.
I am sorry, but discouraging lane-splitting is just dumb. And that's coming from a guy who rides down a traffic jam with little more than a helmet and leather jacket for protection.
The California Highway Patrol and the Department of Motor Vehicles used to issue guidelines on how to split lanes safely, but recently they have withdrawn them.
That's too bad. I do apologize to car drivers out there for the scare, but seriously, it is safer and better for all of us. I promise.
Why? It's a simple case of physics and mass. A motorcyclist can react better to what's in front than to a threat from behind. Whether I split lanes or not, I cannot eliminate driver error, but I can take precautions against what's in front of me.
When splitting lanes, I make sure that both lanes to the right and left of me are traveling at about the same low speed or stopped. When one lane is much faster, it is too tempting for a driver on the slower lane to make a quick move to the faster lane. In that case, I pull into the faster lane and ride along with the flow of traffic. Also, I am always scanning the drivers' heads looking for sudden movements. From the high vantage point of a motorcycle and traveling between cars, it is relatively easy to see inside the cars ahead. A quick jerky movement often signals lane change, and I can react by slowing down or stopping.
But even when lane-splitters take these precautions, drivers can be unpredictable. With terrifying frequency, I see drivers darting across double yellow lines, veering while putting on makeup or reading the newspaper (yes, that did happen on the 405) and treating turn signals as an optional accessory.
I'll be the first to admit that too many of my fellow motorcyclists take unnecessary risks. About a year ago I was splitting lanes on the Harbor Freeway when I noticed on my side mirror another rider gaining on me. I pulled to the side and he careened by me, engine revving. He had to have been going at least 60 mph through what was essentially a parking lot. About 2 miles down the road, I saw rider and motorcycle sprawled in the middle of the freeway. Luckily, he seemed to have survived, as drivers helped him stumble to the side of the road.
But that guy crashed not because he was splitting lanes. He crashed because he was careless and irresponsible.
There's another reason for lane-splitting that is hard to understand unless you're a rider yourself: It's hard to be stuck on a motorcycle in Los Angeles' warm weather. Here's how I describe the feeling: Light up a charcoal grill on a hot summer day. Straddle that grill wearing jeans. Put on a leather jacket while you're at it. Now you get an idea of what it is like to be stopped in traffic on a motorcycle in 80-degree weather with a searing engine between your legs.
If you are a car driver, you may be asking yourself, what do I care about making life more comfortable for motorcyclists? Here's what's in it for you, Mr. or Mrs. Car Driver: Splitting lanes during a traffic jam effectively increases the number of lanes on the road so that motorcycles can clear through and not increase the total of number of vehicles stuck on the road. I know your misery would love my company, but really, how does that help you get home faster?
The DMV and the CHP are withdrawing safety guidelines for lane-splitting because they don't want to encourage the practice - even though it is legal and even though many CHP officers agree it improves safety and eases traffic congestion.
I am sorry, but discouraging lane-splitting is just dumb. And that's coming from a guy who rides down a traffic jam with little more than a helmet and leather jacket for protection.
Lane-splitting benefits both drivers and motorcyclists
Reviewed by Unknown
August 12, 2014
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