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CA - ABATE LOCAL 6 MEETING - Sunday, August 3, 2014



WHEN:     Sunday, September 7, 2014     
TIME:  12:00 noon   
WHERE:  Kate Sessions Park � 
Pacific Beach

Sorry to be so late getting this out � so much to do, so little time.  But please join us at Kate Sessions Park tomorrow.  I�m not sure Snowman will be back in town, but I�ll handle the meeting if he�s not.

Here�s some of the usual subjects that will be covered this month:
         General Business
         Treasury Report
  • Membership
  • Legislative and Judicial Updates
         Phone Tree and E-Mail Alerts
         Safety Report
  • Runs and Events
         Political / PAC / Judicial
         Webmaster    Check out our webpage:
         Old Business
         New Business  

ABATE STATE RUN.  Attached is the run flyer again.  The run is next weekend and hopefully a lot of Local 6 members will be able to attend.  If you have any raffle prizes to donate, please take them with you and give to the appropriate people there.  They are also asking for each Local to donate 5 raffle prizes. This is always a great event, and your support helps ABATE do what it does best:  Protect your Motorcycle Rights!

MERCHANDISE.  The new shirts and hats plus some other goodies are still available, so come find out what will be on sale! 

As usual, if you ever have any subjects or topics you�d like discussed, please email me and let me know what you�d like covered.  We�ll do our best.

Don�t forget the Final Option continues to have a breakfast at Sweetwater Harley just before our meeting each month.  Howie has invited everyone down to have breakfast first and then ride up to Kate Sessions for our meeting. 
Another important reminder�please remember to let us know if you change membership information � address, telephone, email, etc.  Send the updates to
Nancy Nemecek
Vice President � Local 6

CA - ABATE LOCAL 6 MEETING - Sunday, August 3, 2014 Reviewed by Unknown on September 11, 2014 Rating: 5

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