2 Twin Peaks bikers' examining trials canceled
UPDATE: Two examining trials set for Wednesday related to the Twin Peaks shootout have been canceled.
Retired State District Judge James Morgan and attorneys decided to cancel the examining trial for 3:15 p.m., for John Robert Wilson, of Waco.
Dallas attorney Trey Bunch, who is representing Daniel Pesina of San Antonio, subsequently withdrew his request for an examining trial around 11:30 a.m.
Several more examining trials for bikers are set for next week
The first examining trial, for William and Morgan English of Brenham, was held Monday. Morgan ruled that Waco police had sufficient probable cause to jail the pair on organized criminal activity charges.
In denying the motion, the judge Morgan ruled that there was sufficient evidence to bind them over to a grand jury for indictment and that authorities had sufficient probable cause to arrest them.
More: http://www.wacotrib.com/news/twin-peaks-biker-shooting/twin-peaks-bikers-examining-trials-canceled/article_525f2dc7-8079-51e0-9948-b5eb82ff1464.html
2 Twin Peaks bikers' examining trials canceled
Reviewed by Unknown
August 27, 2015

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