BIKER NEWS: City moves to close biker gang clubhouse
BIKER NEWS -- EAST PRICE HILL, Ohio (Rich Jaffe) -- Cincinnati city officials said they want a local biker clubhouse closed because it's a nuisance and a threat to the community.
Only Local 12 was there Friday, Nov. 6, when the city threw down the gauntlet of paperwork, notifying the Iron Horsemen they're not welcome in East Price Hill. In the lawsuit filed by Cincinnati officials, they identified the Iron Horsemen as, "A nationwide violent, criminal enterprise engaged in trafficking in firearms, controlled substances and people."
About six months ago the bikers opened a new clubhouse at 3609 West 8th Street and Friday the city took dramatic steps to close that clubhouse down. A city attorney, Buildings and Inspections, a fire inspector, ATF and Cincinnati police all joined in to send the Iron Horsemen a message. They posted their West 8th Street clubhouse with a list of city complaints and violations.
Assistant city solicitor Mark Manning explained, “The city obviously wants the building fixed but we also want the Iron Horsemen to not use this as a clubhouse so that's part of our entire intent here. They moved this clubhouse up here earlier this year, I know the police department's been very concerned about it. The community has been very concerned about it, so we want to make sure we respond to those concerns.”
In the lawsuit city officials point out the Iron Horsemen motorcycle club, “Is one of the most dangerous gangs in the nation." They said in black and white it is a "criminal gang" not a motorcycle club.
As Local 12 News reported earlier in the week two members of the Iron Horsemen, Anthony Love and Alexander Mazzaro are now being sought for the Sept. 26, stabbing of three people in a Mt. Adams bar. According to city officials Mazzaro owns the clubhouse. A third biker, William Meeker who is a convicted felon, was recently arrested at the house and charged with a weapons violation for having a ,.38 revolver on him.
Officials said the bikers have been illegally selling liquor to their members in the clubhouse. They also said it is loaded with building and fire code violations making it unfit for habitation. City officials said the property, "Interferes with the public right to health, safety, peace and comfort, thereby creating a public nuisance."
For many years the U.S. Department of Justice has had a notorious list of eight major biker gangs with names like Hells Angels, Bandito's and the Mongols. Local 12 News was told Friday that ATF has recently expanded that list. There will soon be nine names on it and number nine will be the Iron Horsemen.
The city's nuisance lawsuit will be in front of Judge Robert Ruehlman Thursday morning, Nov. 12. Local 12 will have it covered.
This article was first published on Nov 06 2015, 09:32 PM
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BIKER NEWS: City moves to close biker gang clubhouse
Reviewed by Unknown
November 11, 2015
Got no use for no tin pony