70 bikie gang members descended on Geelong Court for the sentencing of the Bedson brothers.
TENSIONS ran high both in and outside court as more than 70 bikie gang members descended on Geelong
Court for the sentencing of the Bedson brothers.
Sentencing was delayed for more than an hour as onlookers formed a lengthy queue, and were individually scanned with metal detectors and had bags and identification checked before being allowed into the packed courtroom.
Rival gang members largely ignored each other, instead directing their frustrations towards members of the public queuing for entry.
The upper foyer of the courtroom was swarming with Victoria Police and uniformed court security staff, but the benefits were questionable as bikies openly intimidated and swore at members of the public.
One bikie told the queuing people that gang members were pushing through, saying: "If you have a problem with that, you have a problem with me".
Security staff ejected one bikie but allowed the rest to barge their way in. Once inside the courtroom, both smartly-dressed Bedson brothers avoided eye contact with the dozens of affiliates who had come to witness their fate.
Gasps echoed around the room as John Bedson was sentenced to 23 years jail, but Bedson himself remained stoic, merely blinking hard and swaying slightly at the news.
As the brothers were led away, supporters called to them, promising an appeal, but their encouragement was greeted with silence from two young men resigned to a future behind bars.
70 bikie gang members descended on Geelong Court for the sentencing of the Bedson brothers.
Reviewed by Unknown
March 23, 2011
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